Company history
Bagodi Freezing House has a history of nearly 20 years. It was built in 1998, and almost every year there was an expansion in the food industry plant. The plant is located in a small town named Bagod, in Zala county, near the Austrian-Hungarian border. The plant is surrounded by a 10 ha fruit orchard (raspberry, elderberry and blackberry). Thanks to being a Hungarian family enterprise the company has its virtues: flexibility, quick adaptability, continuous development, pursuit of high quality and cler, simple relationships. Majority of the employees work int he company from its beginning, the work is carried out in a good mood and with long experience.
Fruit processing
Own and purchased fruits are processed in the plant, yearly 2000 mt. Freezing, selecting, destoning and packing works are done in the plant. Chilled, bulk product is also pruduced.
Four separate, low temperature storage rooms are available wich makes it possible to store different typs of food (fruit, meat and dairy products). The capacity of the storage area is 2500 stacks, partially in stanchions, partially in shelving system.
There is a 10 ha fruit orchard next the freezing house: 6 ha raspberry, 2,5 ha elderberry and 1,5 ha blackberry. The crop is processed in our freezing house. Further advantage is that we can transfer our experience in fruit cultivation to potential farmers interested in horticulture.
This is a new activity at our company. Now we have one reefer truck and can transport our products, and also do contract transportation.
Our company has official certifications which can be checked here.